"The Justice of God”

In this chapter, Dickson presents a biblical perspective on justice and why God does not prevent pain and suffering. As you have seen, he has presented us with two ideas. One, the presence of pain and suffering in the world is due to our own free, independent will. Two, God will right the wrongs and will bring justice to the world, in his own timing.
Why does God not simply override our wills?
I found what Dickson wrote about free will really interesting and thought-provoking. In some ways we do think that God should intervene and prevent a terrible human action, like a parent watching their child would do if they saw that the child was about to do something wrong. The parent would step in and prevent the child from doing what they shouldn’t do. In some ways, I guess God does do this. He instructs us and teaches us, but we don’t listen. I couldn’t help but think that I wouldn’t mind it if God was more “active” and stepped in to stop, say, somebody from committing murder or rape. On the other hand, how would that influence us as human beings if that were the case?
As we know, there are times when a child needs to do the wrong thing in order to learn and grow into a more mature adult. So, does that mean that part of this free will business is that God is shaping us to: a) be more like him, and b) to become truly dependent upon him?
What we have to remind ourselves is that not only are we given the choice to do “bad”, but we’re also given the choice to do “good”, it’s just a bit harder for use to choose to do good, isn’t it?
I wonder, though, how we should then respond to the occurrences of the world that cause human suffering but aren’t caused by humans?
It’s helpful to remind ourselves that this world is a fallen and broken world and we should not expect things to be perfect.
The Bible’s answer is that he will do something
One day, God will bring justice. I liked what Dickson said about it: “He has set a Day of Judgement at the end of history precisely because his personality is a unique blend of pure justice mixed with boundless patience, mercy and love.” I find this reassuring.
I wonder, though, how a non-Christian would respond to this? Is this only reassuring to me because I not only believe in God, but hold onto this truth?
God's timing is always perfect...even for the best day of all. Good post.
Hi again,
ReplyDeleteLast question first. I think Nonbelievers still hold on to some form of ultimate justice, be it carma or reincarnation as a lesser being or simply just being able to hold onto the grudge long enough to outlive the wrong dooer. Those that don't surrender the idea of justice will generally seek it themselves, justice in this way can include suicide (taking the pain away).
Just like you summerised,I don't think it's the justice that should be highlighted but the peace.
I'm actually finding it very difficut to coheriently comment on this post.
Our response to the non human induced suffering in this world should be that God has said that we will suffer, there will be floods and plagues and droughts but he has also promised perfection in Heaven, If that is what we choose.
I hope I've made some sence. Not sure I said much about free will.
Good ideas, Darian. Yes, I agree. It's helpful for us to remember that this world is not perfect, that way we long for Heaven and anticipate the day when we can be in a perfect world with God. If this world was perfect we wouldn't want that, would we?